A massive dirt pit filled with sand and rocks of all sizes. Branching out from the dirt pit are the beginnings of treacherous trails. Each trail contains a specific color of flag to help you determine to venture it or not depending on if you're a beginner, pro or somewhere in between. The trails are a mix of sharp jagged roacks to giant swampy mud holes with tree rits and other debris to climb over. One side remains a rounded cliff edge that allows room for only a curvy, bumpy, narrow road for you to ride up. Mossy trees shade the trails and protect them from rain, as if they had formed a huge umbrella over head. You could smell the fresh crisp air and taste the tiny drips of mud that slowly drip from your helmet. Around every corner lies a new challenge weather it be digging your tires deep in the mud to scale a hill or to watch out for enormous lifted trucks that were made just for the dirt. Either way your whole day consists of snap decisions on what to do next. If you successfully made it back out to the dirt filled pit, chances are your dirt filled yourself and completely exhausted. This place only exist at Reeder Pit an awesome place to ride if your up to the challenge.
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